COLLABORATION BETWEEN MoKS AND DARIn 2015 DAR started collaboration with the MoKs residence, where two Estonian and Lithuanian composers spent time together in order to create a new works, based on field recordings, which were made in various places of Druskininkai. Selected artists: John Grzinich (Estonia) Taavi Suisalu (Estonia) Mykolas Natalevičius (Lithuania) Tada Dailyda (Lithuania) *** For the first exchange residency between MoKS in Estonia and DAR in Lithuania, I John Grzinich, and Taavi Suisalu came from Estonia. We spent two weeks at the residency of the Lithuanian Composers Union in Druskininkai. There we met the company of other residents from Argentina, Italy and Lithuania. Much of the time I spent exploring the town and the environment around Druskininkai, especially enjoying the extensive network of paths that cross the area. At first I went out on foot then continued by bicycle. In the process I was reminded of the importance of discovering a new place by really spending time studying and experiencing it. My own interests included features in the architecture and the landscape that were remains of past times and events. The term "Topography of Memory" came to mind and I used this as a frame for developing a script for a poetic film work made up of text, photographs, video, field recordings, and composed music. The music I hope can be made in collaboration with the Lithuanian composers I was in residence with. We agreed to work on this when they visit MoKS in November. On Monday evening the 24th, Taavi, Myklos, Tadas and I prepared and transmitted (via) internet streaming an electro-acoustic piece for the Inter-Format Symposium held at the Nida Art Colony (where I have been a resident in 2011). This mostly improvised piece was based on the concept of mixing field recordings made in and around Druskininkai and electronic synthesized emulations of the recordings themselves. This sparked a common dialogue around real and synthesized sound that we also plan to continue in November. I found the staff, facilities and accommodation at DAR comfortable and supportive for me to work and we especially enjoyed warm sunny summer weather during our stay. Because of the positive experience, I hope this can be the start of a long term process of exchanging composers, musicians and artists between MoKS and DAR. John Grzinich***
Manau, kad mano asmeniniai DAR rezidencijos metu pasiekti rezultatai mane patį nuvylė ir taip yra tikrai ne dėl pačios rezidencijos ar jos organizatorių kaltės. Supratau kad buvo sunku atitrūkti nuo kasdieninių reikalų ir problemų paprasčiausiai dėl to, kad rezidencija vyksta Lietuvoje ir ne taip jau toli nuo Vilniaus. O gal tiesiog taip išėjo, kad tų problemų buvo labai daug susikaupę tuo momentu. Visgi šį bei tą nuveikti pavyko, pabendravom, pabendradarbiavom ir susibendravom su korezidavusiais estais. Nors tas bendradarbiavimas buvo kiek neįprastas, nes garso menininkai paprasčiausiai užsiima kitais dalykais nei kompozitoriai. Ir turbūt labai gerai kad vėliau Estijoje (MoKS rezidencijoje) grįžome prie kompozitoriškos veiklos ir nebandėme daryti garso meno, už tai produktyvumas buvo labai neblogas (taip pat ir dėl kitų priežasčių). Tai tiek. Tadas
MOKS Residency. Mooste is small and cozy Estonian place. Polva, the city not so far from Mooste, has very nice church with the small pipe organ, which is in very good condition. As we with Tadas Dailyda are big pipe organ fans and recently did some projects with it, that was a great source of inspiration and we took the challenge to make a full concert consisting of huge variety of pipe organ music. Polva organ has only one manual and pedals and keyboard is very tough, but it had very nice disposition with big variety of colors and nice characteristics of baroque organ. We did some research and found very interesting examples of oldest keyboard music scores. We mixed it with some classical repertoire pieces of J. S. Bach and J. Alain. I found very interesting, minimalistic piece of Kyle Gann where he mixed drone wit jazz harmony. But the most interesting thing was transcription of Keith Jarrett "Hymn of Remembrance" from his album "Hymn Spheres". Also we played two new our pieces, composed in MOKS. I composed "Crypta" - slow tempo, consonant harmony piece which metaphorically depicts the church vaults. The time in Mooste was very concentrated. The residency atmosphere was very creative and calm, suitable for composing. Thank You MOKS team for the good time in calm and creative residency place. Mykolas Natalevičius