MUSICOLOGISTS  The final project of DAR residence involved participation of three international musicologists who spent two weeks in DAR residence. During their stay they worked on new publications, visited Čiurlionis museum, parks and Merkinė pyramid. Selected musicologists were Joris de Henau (Belgium/ The UK), Nikita Sorokin (France) and Edvardas Šumila (Lithuania). *** Impressions of my residence at the Lithuanian Composers' Union cottages in Druskininkai abound. On August 7, I arrived in Kaunas and had a wonderful reception by my two companions, Nikita and Edvardas. The first week of my stay went by very quickly, as I settled into a comfortable routine of musicological labour in the morning and visiting one or more particular landmarks in the afternoon, including Grūtas Park and a local baroque abbey. I was deeply touched by the exhibits in the aforementioned park; for example, the Soviet atmosphere recreated in buildings (including guard towers by the perimeter fence), exhibitions of relevant objects (medals, books, photographic and painted images), and piped music alike were rather unnerving at times. I also attended a concert at Čiurlionis's house museum, which was rather interesting - we were seated outside whilst the piano was played from the inside of the edifice. I also remember having an impromptu swim in a local lake. We met several interesting people, including the famous composer Justė Janulytė. Much work was done on an article, and I also read up on a few key texts regarding the music of Edgard Varèse. As the proverb goes 'mens sana in corpore sano', and although I felt no obligation at all, I decided in conference with my fellow prize winners to take the waters in Druskininkai. Much revived, I redoubled my mental exertions. My stay in this exceptional nation concluded with a meeting with Dr Rūta Stanevičiūtė in Vilnius. My gratitude goes to my hosts, including Rūta, the Landsbergis Foundation for making this possible and the Lithuanian Composer's Union, as well as the ever-obliging Edvardas Šumila, who was an excellent guide and general good egg. Joris de Henau (Belgium/the Great Britain) Merkinės piramidėjeDuring our staying in Druskininkai I've discovered plenty of things. First of all, Lithuanian people. I had a lot of possibilities to speak with them on different subjects. Together with Joris and Edwardas we've passed our spare time, discovering interesting places near Druskininkai (including even Merkinės piramidė! :) It's very nice countryside around there. Our visit of Grūtas park left a lasting impression on me too. Moreover I've finished my paper about Mahler's Second symphony, last but not least it became possible thanks to peaceful and soothing atmosphere in Druskininkai residence. Please, accept my deep appreciation for those brilliant summertime weeks! Nikita Sorokin (France)
 2014 m. rugpjūčio 6-20 dienomis , rezidencijoje DAR dalyvavome kartu su mokslininkais iš Jungtinės Karalystės bei Prancūzijos - Nikita Sorokine ir Joris de Henau. Su jais jau buvome pažįstami, nes dalyvavome muzikologų konkurse Iterdisciplinary Studies in Music: New Approaches, Methods, Conceptions, vykusiame Vilniuje 2013 m. Rezidencijos metu turėjome galimybę ne tik dirbti ir gyventi nuostabioje Druskininkų aplikoje, kartu su mumis rezidencijoje viešėjo ir kiti meninkai bei mokslininkai, bendravome su kompozitore Juste Janulyte, turėjome garbės susipažinti ir su lietuvių kilmės rašytoju Antanu Šileika. Aplankėme ir kultūrinius renginius vykusius mūsų rezidencijos metu - pianistės Aleksandros Žvirblytės rečitalyje, taip pat - Daumanto Kirilausko rečitalyje Birštone, kurį pasiekti iš Druskininkų nėra sudėtinga. Aplankėme daugybę vietų, tarp kurių - Grūto parkas, Dzūkijos nacionalinis parkas, Liškiavos vienuolynas, Raigardo slėnis. Manau, kad DAR rezidencia - puiki vieta ne tik paviešėti ir pailsėti viename gražiausių kurortų Lietuvoje. Rezidencijos metu gimė naujos idėjos ir planai, kuriuos planuojame realizuoti ateityje, manau ši rezidencija kartu yra ir puiki terpė sukurti naujiems tarptautiniams projektams. Edvardas Šumila (Lietuva) |