SUMMER GARDEN PHOTOGRAPH  An International project-based collaboration of artists working together to create live musical-visual performances. The group established during a residency at DAR residency (Lithuania) in 2014, was formed out of the 9 original members chosen by Egidija Medeksaite (composer), Sound and Music, in partnership with The Lithuanian Composers' Union, AIR KREMS and The ISCM - Slovak Section and A.I.R. KREMS (Austria). During the residency the group developed an artistic dynamic process based on musical and sonic improvisation, oscillating between sound, text, body movement, theatrical gestures and visual expressions. The uniqueness of this dynamics, lays in the principle of letting any form of expression enter into an artistic procedure, modulating the final event. The process starts with the search (via improvisation), for hint arrangements - evolving out of the distinctive combination of participants and materials. The artistic, as well as, thematic input is based on devoting attention to those interactions and forces, allowing the process to take its own root, creating a musical/visual/textual as well as, socio-political expression. The final outcome takes the form of live musical-visual performance and art installation (OperaArt). Each concert of ‘Summer Garden Photograph' - the group's first work (now touring across Europe) will evolve its structural process, making each performance unique, while allowing a flexible dynamic output. The group wishes to continue this process in developing further work and collaborations within the group and with invited artists.
‘When the ego drops, You have to deliver - abandon information, blank page.' (Summer Garden Photograph, 2014)
Anat BenDavid - sound-video-performance artist and improviser (United Kingdom/Israel), www.yippieyeah.co.uk/anat Arvydas Kazlauskas - saxophonist, improviser (Lithuania/Latvia), www.arvydaskazlauskas.com Auksė Petrulienė - visual artist of Psilicon theatre (Lithuania), www.aukse.lt Fero Kiraly - composer, pianist, improviser (Slovakia), www.ferokiraly.com Ivan Šiller - pianist, improviser (Slovakia), www.clusterensemble.com Katharina Ernst - drummer, performer, improviser, taking part in numerous projects in the field of music, painting, dance, performance, installation and street theatre (Austria), www.katharinaernst.com Lina Lapelytė - artist, composer, improviser and performer (Lithuania/United Kingdom), www.linalapelyte.com Maja Osojnik - singer, composer, bass recorder, tapes, electronic devices, toys, trash and found objects (Austria/Slovani), maja.klingt.org Yiorgis Sakellariou - composer and sound artist working in the fields of electroacoustic music and phonography (United Kingdom/Greece), mechaorga.wordpress.com
Summer Garden Photograph
Druskininkai - Košice - London - Krems
*** Druskininkų rezidencija mums, vaizdo menininkams, suteikė išskirtinę galimybę tyrinėti garsų pasaulį ir apčiuopti naujus, netikėtus poslinkius šiuolaikinėje garso ir vaizdo jungties sampratoje. Nors jau dešimtmetį savo kūrybiniuose projektuose bendradarbiaujame su garso menininkais, DAR patirtis buvo unikali. Jos išskirtinumas slypi ilgos trukmės bendrame kūrybiniame procese drauge su tarptautine 8 kompozitorių komanda, kurios visi nariai - asmenybės su visiškai skirtingomis kūrybinio gyvenimo patirtimis ir idėjomis. Todėl bendras darbas nebuvo lengvas, užtat įgyta patirtis itin vertinga: nevienpusiška, grįsta įvairovės pažinimu ir pripažinimu, skirtingų meninių koncepcijų susidūrimais, nuomonių išsiskyrimais ir galutiniu kūriniu, talpinančiu savyje visą šią įvairovę. DAR rezidencija išskirtinė savo atvirumu kitoms meno sritims, jungčių tarp jų inicijavimu. Tai - Lietuvoje tikrai reta galimybė giliai ir kokybiškai bendradarbiauti skirtingų šalių ir skirtingų sričių menininkams. Auksė ir Darius Petruliai, „Psilikono teatras“
My experience at DAR residency, Lithuania was wholly positive. The space, provided by the residency, both physical - accommodation and beautiful and calm environment, and mental - quiet and calm, was entirely dedicated to concentrate, inspire and provide a perfect set up for a working environment for a group of composers. The only feature, which could benefit the residency, would be a space for rehearsal and performance - a larger area with some electronic amplification. Otherwise, this residency is absolutely perfect. Anat Ben-David (Israel/the United Kingdom)
DAR rezidentūra buvo puiki emocinė ir kūrybinė patirtis. Suburtų menininkų komanda viršijo lūkesčius ir bendras projektas, kurį sugeneravome rezidencijos metu, vargiai ar būtų galėjęs atsirasti esant kitokioms aplinkybėms. „Summer Garden Photograph“ ne tik leido atskleisti ir dalintis savo įgūdžiais, bet taip pat inspiravo naujas idėjas ir suteikė laiko ir sąlygas ekspermentams. Esu tikra, kad sutikti meninkai taps ateities kolaboratoriais. Lina Lapelytė (Lietuva/Jungtinė Karalystė)
Labai džiaugiuosi, kad man buvo suteikta galimybė dalyvauti DAR rezidencijoje.Įspūdžiai - spalvingi. Buvo puikių dienų, bet buvo ir labai sunkių dienų. Buvo įdomu dirbti su labai kūrybingais žmonėmis, tačiau neretai pasitaikydavo situacijų, kuomet bendrą kalbą rasti būdavo tikrai nelengva. Šios rezidencijos metu, manau, daugiausia išmokau klausytis. Tiek bendraujant su kolegomis, tiek muzikuojant kartu. Išmokau, kaip svarbu nepraleisti pro ausis to, ką sako kitas, o muzikuojant - pajausti, kada yra tinkamas momentas prisidėti formuojant bendrą muzikinį paveikslą. Šios rezidencijos metu teko išgyventi puikių kūrybinių momentų,ir netikėtų muzikinių atradimų. Esu labai dėkingas Egidijai, ji puikiai mumis rūpinosi. Arvydas Kazlauskas (Lietuva)
First of all, I am very thankful for this experience and to have been chosen into this project. It was my first residency. I have met very interesting people, had a great time, lived one month in a beautiful environment and got very inspired also for my future work. When I applied for this residency, I was searching for a possibility to go somewhere to concentrate only on one or two things at the most. Away from many projects at the same time, office work and rehearsals. To gain distance to a place where you normally live and work, to have a possibility to concentrate yourself only on the music and to meet different people, getting involved in exchanging ideas, all three things are very important in a work process and for the reflection on one's own work. Not less important is, that this work gets honoured and that there is a community of organisations like DAR and Austrian A.I.R. who can also financially support it. This was great, thank you so much for your support. I think there should be really more residencies like this one, that could offer an artist a good environment to work and develop her/his ideas. Maja Osojnik (Slovenia/Austria)
The DAR residency was one of the most inspiring, and energizing residency for me. I was very well prepared by Egidija Medeksaite, who took care of all the important things about artistic stuff as well as living conditions. Studio room for music and final concert production were very good organized. Everything worked out of the box. The organization of DAR residency, choose very inspiring people to collaborate, which was the most amazing thing about he residency. Musicians with various backgrounds from various countries was really special experience. I would like to thank all the people and also to beautiful Lithuania country. Fero Kiraly (Slovakia) |